Chevy - Chasing the Laughs
Since I decided to reference his quote in the description of this young blog, let's explore the comedic genius that is Chevy Chase. I believe "Caddyshack" was a great film for him and one that he is best know for, but not his greatest work. He also made us laugh in "Spies Like Us," "Funny Farm," and all of the classic "Vacation" movies. (My personal favorite being "Christmas Vacation.") But I have to say that his best work came in two movies: "Fletch" and "Fletch Lives." If you have not seen these films, please wreck your car to get into the nearest Blockbuster and check these out. My interpretation of how Chase took on the role of investigative reporter I.M. Fletcher was that he basically carried over his character, Ty Webb from Caddyshack, and gave him the spotlight of two feature films based on the novels by Gregory McDonald. I would not want to give anything away and spoil the delight of viewing these two films for the first time. I would like to brag on my friend Matt Clark at this time for giving me the greatest birthday gift that I have received in many years, my Fletch #99 Lakers jersey. Many of my closest friends repeatedly make fun of my modest jersey collection. (Brad Culpepper claimed that I own more than DJ Neal. Anyone in the West Georgia community knows this to be a huge farce.) I have to say that I am most proud of my Fletch jersey and sport it often at the most inappropriate of settings, like this past year's Super Bowl party. I think Fletch himself would be proud of that move.


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