How do losers become WINNERS?
Can you win?  Absolutely, you have the opportunity to be a winner every time you step on the playing field.  What makes someone become a winner?  Not, just one time, but EVERY time.  The answer: LOSING.  I know, it sounds kind of ridiculous doesn't it?  But, it is very true.  You have to learn HOW to win.  The only way is through experience.  The more times you put yourself in the arena with a chance to win, the closer you are getting.  You will learn every time you fail, and eventually each of those failing experiences will teach you enough that you become a winner.  And then you win a second time and a third time and so on.  Eventually, you learn so much from all of those wins, while still learning from the failures, that you become good enough to create a pattern of winning more than losing.  But every winner, starts off a loser.  The only difference between winners and losers is, the winners are paying attention and learning as they lose.  Winners are losers who believed in themselves after they lost.  Believe every time that you step onto the playing field that you are going to win and when you get to that point in the contest where the outcome will be decided, remember what happened in THAT moment all the times before.  Now, go do what is necessary to WIN in that moment.  Maybe you will win this time, but if you don't:  Did you learn anything?


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